LOLLYSTOPS is a book and animated series for children following the adventures of Lolly, the fairy who cannot fly. Set in the land of Lolore against the picturesque scenery of Mount Silil, this is high fantasy in a realm created by the Elements of Genesis. An escape into imagination, LOLLYSTOPS is a world of lush, beautifully crafted landscapes populated by ogres, elves, mermaids, and a host of other mythical characters.
As a child with her own limitations, Lolly is a steward of hope. Together with her friends, she explores topics ranging from how to outsmart an ogre to acceptance of others’ differences. She reinforces the message of learning, positivity, and self-worth because she has one goal…to change the world one heart at a time.
It’s in the name. LOLLYSTOPS…bigotry, hate, self-loathing, and bullying. Lolly stops at nothing to show every child they are unique, priceless, and loved.